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We’re still sending joy into the NHS!

By providing NHS Staff with effortless access to delicious, nutritious, hearty, heatable and affordable meals - 24/7 including weekends. When it comes to Workforce Wellbeing - sometimes, it’s the small things that make the biggest difference!

Want us to bring a smile to your ED & ITU Staff Rooms, Maternity Dep, Thoroughfares, JD Mess or ED Waiting Room? Email us if you would like to hear more:

P.S., Hospital Caterers, Vending Companies, PFIs, Food Brands and Others… we’re open to partnering!

Meals for the NHS

100 volunteers, with £1,815,617 from 17,880 donors, delivered 303,767 meals via 223 providers to 146 hospitals over 100 days.

As featured in:

Our feed of love